Embedded Entwickler
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- 20.06.2014
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
1/2014 – 6/2014
TätigkeitsbeschreibungEvaluation of protocol stacks LwIP, FNet, and uC/TCP for Kinetis K60 based product development. Stack porting to ar-chitecture. Porting of RTOS (FreeRTOS) on Kinetis K6x vari-ant using KDS. Drivers development in C and assembly.
6/2013 – 1/2014
in development of 3 Phase Fault Monitor Device based on RTOS with IEC compliant protection curves and 1% meas-urement accuracy.
Coding the MODBUS stack from scratch for high speed and precise timings constraints. Driver development in C and as-sembly for high speed oversampling with DMA.
10/2010 – 6/2013
Tätigkeitsbeschreibungin development of 3 Phase Fault Condition Monitor with 24th Harmonic analysis of fault and logging. Coding DSP Algo-rithms and Filters in C.
8/2010 – 10/2011
TätigkeitsbeschreibungProtocol Stack modifications and development in C. Cyber security vulnerability analysis of stack. Interactions with tech-nology owners for features and upgrades.
12/2009 – 8/2010
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDesign and development of first touch based HMI (plug and play) for protection equipment with low energy. (6 major inno-vation and ideas patented, joint owner of one)
8/2008 – 12/2009
TätigkeitsbeschreibungIEC and CEI based Electrical Fault detection numerical de-vice with DSP algorithms in C.
12/2006 – 8/2008
TätigkeitsbeschreibungDesigning embedded security products in Dynamic C. Web server applications on embedded systems using Ethernet libraries.
Über mich
OS Platforms: uCOS III, VxWorks, FreeRTOS, Embedded Linux
HW Platforms: ARM Cortex M4, RabbitRCM3000, ARM 7, Xilinx CPLDs, 8051
Network Protocols: ModbusTCP, DNP3, T-104, Bluetooth Low Energy Stack
Tools: Wireshark, IAR EWARM, Tornado, ARMGCC, Cygwin, Eclipse, uVision, Segger Debugging suite for ARM
Persönliche Daten
- Englisch (Muttersprache)
- Europäische Union
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