Senior machine learning engineer
- Verfügbarkeit einsehen
- 0 Referenzen
- 115€/Stunde
- 76131 Karlsruhe
- Europa
- bg | de | en
- 20.01.2025
Expert in:
python, tensorflow, apache spark, scikit-learn,
SQL (PostgreSQL, MariaDB), NoSQL (Mongo, Casandra),
Data pipelines
Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung
5/2019 – 3/2021
Scope: Find optimal parameters for running a heat grid, given the weather conditions and the
structure of the grid.
Approach: Demand forecasting, physical modeling of the grid, modelling the heat losses and
defining an objective function. Optimizing the objective function given the constraints and the
predicted demand.
Results: Working real time system deployed in AWS. The system controls the primary and
secondary part of a heat delivery network of a mid size DSO in the Netherlands as of January 2020.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Kubernetes, Python, Tensorflow
3/2019 – 5/2019
Scope: Given load profile data for transformers, identify relevant patterns that can help identify
industrial and residential usage as well as the type of the industrial usage and production.
Results: Successfully distinguished between residential and industrial load patterns. Created an
approach to differentiate between wind power generation, solar generation and gas generators.
Gute Klinische Praxis, Pandas, Python
5/2018 – 5/2019
Scope: Extend the RNN model to provide uncertainty of the estimation and work in a Kalman-Filter
like cycle so it can be used with missing data. Evaluation done in the context of pedestrian tracking.
Results: A novel approach for training RNNs with missing data based on the uncertainty of the
estimation and the new proposed RNN-Cycle. Results to be published in paper.
Rekurrentes Neuronales Netzwerk (RNN), Tensorflow, Python
Über mich
Weitere Kenntnisse
Persönliche Daten
- Bulgarisch (Muttersprache)
- Deutsch (Fließend)
- Englisch (Fließend)
- Europäische Union
- Schweiz
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